2020年 |
序号 |
论文级别 |
教师 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
刊物名称 |
1 |
A1 |
刘素春 |
刘素春,刘昕怡,刘娟,范红丽 |
基本医疗保险对商业健康保险的影响:抑制或促进 |
中国软科学 |
2 |
A2 |
葛永波 |
葛永波,翟坤,孟纹羽 |
劳动力转移与农村家庭财富不平等:缓解还是加剧——基于转移就业的异质性分析 |
农业技术经济 |
3 |
A2 |
金博轶 |
金博轶,闫庆悦,于文广 |
养老金统筹账户与个人账户最优组合策略研究 |
中国管理科学 |
4 |
A2 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,上官熠文,申宇鹏,于文广 |
因病致贫:健康冲击如何影响收入水平——兼论医疗保险的脱贫效应 |
经济社会体制比较 |
5 |
B |
丁德臣 |
丁德臣 |
集成随机森林和支持向量机的商业银行财务困境预测研究 |
数学的实践与认识 |
6 |
B |
葛永波 |
葛永波,陈琦 |
农民工回流、家庭收入与储蓄率提高 |
经济问题 |
7 |
B |
葛永波 |
葛永波,曹婷婷,陈磊,窦朝阳 |
民营企业融资约束缓解:社会责任信息披露可以替代政治关联吗? |
山东社会科学 |
8 |
B |
刘素春 |
刘素春,刘昕仪,刘娟 |
我国农业保险经营效率研究——基于公司视角 |
VSport官方网站学报 |
9 |
C |
刘素春 |
刘素春,刘昕怡,刘娟 |
我国农业保险经营效率研究——基于公司视角 |
金融与保险 |
10 |
C |
王海萍 |
王海萍,崔瑛麟 |
产学研合作视角下保险人才培养研究 |
保险职业学院学报 |
11 |
C |
王海萍 |
王海萍 |
产学研协同创新模式下保险人才培养分析 |
保险理论与实践 |
12 |
A1 |
范红丽 |
陈璐,范红丽,储兰兰 |
The Double-Burden Effect:Does the Combination of Informal Care and Work Cause Adverse Health |
Journal of Aging and Health |
13 |
A1 |
苏文 |
苏文,于文广 |
Asymptotically Normal Estimators of the Gerber-Shiu Function in Classical Insurance Risk Model |
Mathematics |
14 |
A1 |
于文广 |
于文广,王斐,桑千舜,王琦,高艺心,黄玉娟,于新亮,肖金睿,朱慧琳,崔超然 |
Construction and analysis of actuarial model of the influence of personal tax deferred commercial pension insurance on personal pension wealth in China |
Mathematics |
15 |
A1 |
于文广 |
于文广,王斐,黄玉娟,刘浩东 |
Social optimal mean field control problem for population growth model |
Asian Journal of Control |
16 |
A1 |
于文广 |
于文广,郭鹏,王琦,管国锋,杨庆,黄玉娟,于新亮,金博轶,崔超然 |
On a periodic capital injection and barrier dividend strategy in the compound Poisson risk model |
Mathematics |
17 |
A1 |
于文广 |
张志民,雍尧棣,于文广 |
Valuing equity-linked death benefits in general exponential Lévy models |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
18 |
A2 |
王海萍 |
王海萍 |
An Effect Analysis Model for Corporate Marketing Mix Based on Artificial Neural Network |
Ingénierie des Systèmesd'Information |
19 |
A2 |
王海萍 |
王海萍 |
An insurance sales prediciton model based on deep learning |
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle |
20 |
B |
丁德臣 |
丁德臣 |
Study on Predictive Model of Financial Distress based on Rotation Forest Ensembles of Support Vector Machines |
2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Smart Grid ICWCSG 2020 |
21 |
B |
丁德臣 |
丁德臣 |
Financial Risk Forecasting based on Random Subspace Ensembles of Support Vector Machines:A study of Chinese commercia banks |
Journal of Physics:Conference Series |
22 |
C |
王海萍 |
王海萍,Patricia Born |
Advertisement marketing of alien insurers in American market |
International Conference on Education,E-learning and Social Science |
23 |
无级别 |
丁德臣 |
丁德臣 |
Research on Enterprise Marketing Risk Evaluation Based on Group Decision and Grey System Theory |
International Conference on Engineering Management(ICEM-2020) |